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Jean Massad
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Bold Design for a Biotech Leader

Web Design
Vectron Biosolutions

Vectron Biosolutions is the go-to partner for pharmaceutical companies grappling with inclusion body formation during pre-clinical drug development, or enzyme companies seeking to maximize titers of their latest products. They specialize in solving protein-related challenges, that no one else can.

If there were any lingering doubts about the necessity of digital transformation for business longevity, the Covid pandemic silenced them all. In the world we've experienced since its onset, virtual business interactions has grown exponentally and establishing a robust digital presence became imperative.

And this is the main reason why they contacted us. Our task was clear: to build a professional digital presence for Vectron Biosolutions that reflected its real-world reputation as one of the industry's most advanced and promising biotech companies.

Vectron Biosolutions
Bold Design for a Biotech Leader

If there were any lingering doubts about the necessity of digital transformation for business longevity, the Covid pandemic silenced them all. In the world we've experienced since its onset, virtual business interactions has grown exponentally and establishing a robust digital presence became imperative.

And this is the main reason why they contacted us. Our task was clear: to build a professional digital presence for Vectron Biosolutions that reflected its real-world reputation as one of the industry's most advanced and promising biotech companies.

Vectron Biosolutions
Web Design

Web Design

A site matching their remarkable work

The previous site was not getting any conversion, so we ensured that the website we were about to design and build wasn't missing any of the essential elements of high-converting landing pages. From clean and eye-catching interfaces (our expertise) to concise and compelling headlines, call to actions, social proof and a long list, we designed the wireframes of every page, considering the anatomy of a high-converting websites.

A captivating hero section with clear H1, clear selling points and supporting imagery
Dominant & persuasive CTAs to direct visitors to navigate smoothly and improve their UX.
We couldn't forget about adding social proof in the form of reviews.
Our UI designers and developers not only make mobile-friendly websites but, more importantly, mobile responsive.
Pleasing aesthetics to increase average engaging time and retain clients.
Fresh content is critical for SEO. See the articles we designed; sleek, easy navigable thanks to the content table and easy shareable too!
But the articles section isn't the only place where Vectron can add content. We designed a news & events page to add fresh content, fast & easy!
Collection of several landing pages.
The three smart icons that we designed to represent Vectron's innovative and proprietary technologies.

Design System

Scaling consistently

We crafted a thorough, robust, and detailed design system that structures and standardizes the development of the site. This system serves as the foundational pillars, enabling future effective and consistent expansion and growth.

The Design System is key to make sure that multiple contributors create in a fast, clear & cohesive way.
The Design System is also needed to ensures brand consistency.

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They’re always willing to do better and eager to listen to us and change things accordingly — even more so than many of the larger companies. Overall, Konpo has gone beyond expectation.

We also made our own emojis! The team's slack is filled with them and we kind of love it.
Website Design
Design Systems
Design Systems Product Design
Clinical Ink
Design Systems Product Design
Banding Design Design Systems Product Design
Surge AI
Branding Design Design Systems Product Design SaaS Websites
Design Systems Product Design SaaS Websites
Vectron Biosolutions
Branding Design Design Systems Product Design SaaS Websites